Move over iPhone and Blackberry: the Android is on its way to the top

Thanks to a variety of devices and smart pricing, smartphones based on Google’s OS may take over the US and global cellular market by 2014. Who will be the runner up? Clue: it doesn’t have an apple on the back of it.

ArsTechnica website reports that Android based devices threaten to take second place from Apple’s iPhone in the American smartphones market and by the end of the year are expected to lead the market. The German research company,Gertner, believes that by 2014 Android based devices will rule the cellular market and their distribution will be second only to Nokia’s symbian devices. RIM’s Blackberry and Apple’s iPhone will settle for third and fourth place.

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  1. I'm still not convinced the Android is the best OS just yet, we'll have to wait and see how it grows I think.

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